
Showing posts from December, 2017

Divorce, Remarriage, and the Aging Family

      Divorce seems to be becoming a more and more popular thing. So many people are getting divorces, and I hardly meet anyone anymore who hasn't had their family separated by divorce. It is sad to me to think about all of these people and makes me realize how blessed I am to have my parents still together in a loving relationship. Most of my extended family is also still together; I think I have only ever had two aunts/uncles who have divorced. I would hope that this trend would not continue to grow, but I feel like it most likely will. I have recently been studying more into cohabitation, and learned how that affects relationships, and I know how damaging divorces can be, and how prevalent they are.      When it comes to divorce, the requirements to get one have become so much more relaxed. A while back, most of the reasons that you could get a divorce fit into three sometimes four categories. These were called the A's of divorce. There was abuse, adultery, abandonment, and


I think that there is a huge purpose to parenting. Parenting in my opinion is the process of helping a child to grow, but it is also a maturing and learning process for the actual parents. We all went through trials and got through them, and we need to learn how to teach that to our children so they may not go through the same thing possibly. Micael Popkin said that his idea of what parenting was to "Protect and prepare children to service and thrive in the world they will live in." I think this is a great way to look at parenting because it reminds us that we are preparing a child to thrive in the best possible way in the time that they will grow up. We need to understand that the things they will grow up surrounded by will be different than what we grew up with, and we have to be able to see that and incorporate it into how we raise our kids. There are steps and things to do to discuss consequences with children. These go as follows: polite request, "I" statemen