Gender Roles

  I was able to dive deeper into gender roles and the impact they have within families this week. We discussed in class that there are different units of society with different influences of cultures. Some of those are the family, the workplace, school, government, and religious organizations. We all can receive different influences and learn different ideas from each unit of society.

  Males and females have general tendencies that are typical for each. females tend to be more expressive, passive, cooperative in play, and lean more towards relationships. On the other hand, males tend to be more aggressive, competitive in play, have a more spacial orientation and are stronger. Some people may take offense to hear about these gender-specific tendencies, but I think they need to understand that it it not meant to be offensive, at least I don't mean it like that in any way, but just to help define what I will be talking about.

  So first, we have to define three different words. 1- gay: this has to do with what you claim your identity is. 2-homosexual: this has to do with what you are doing sexually. 3-SSA/SGA: this is just when you have romantic or sexual desires towards others but don't act on it. Sometimes people are quick to label others as "gay" even if they have never acted on their feelings or if they haven't made their identity as being gay. There are different theories of same-sex attraction. There are genes, environmental factors, nurturing, or the "born that way" theories. Sometimes people believe that genes or hormones are what determines how you turn out to be sexually. I like this quote I found about this: Gospel wisdom also dictates that you should refrain from resisting personal change by insisting "that's the way I am." ... Saying "that's the way I am" anchors you to the past of the present, and prevents personal progress. None of us is a finished product. The major message of the gospel is repentance, and repentance means change. Open the door to change in your own life. Look ahead and move on down the road toward better things in yourself. (BYUI  Devotional, Nov. 7, 2006). Environmental factors would be things such as who you grow up with, where you grew up, and the culture you are involved with. "Born that way" suggests that you just can't change yourself and it isn't your fault for how you are. Nurturing would be things such as how your parents brought you up to believe how to act and behave.

  It was really good for me to have these discussions because I personally find that sometimes I tend to judge people quickly just based on things they might do or how they might act. I need to understand that some people may just have tendencies that may correspond to the opposite gender and that might just be the way that they are, even if they have no association with being gay. Like for instance, my own younger brother sometimes has some very feminine ways to do things. He loves to dance, and sometimes will walk like a stereotypical girl, but he is very much not associated with being gay. In fact he very often will talk about all his "girlfriends" he has (in the 4th grade) and how he wants to kiss them! I can't judge others based off of just how they act. I need to be more conscious to not make a conclusion or judgement for someone who has not yet made that conclusion for themselves about who they believe themselves to be. 


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