
Showing posts from September, 2017

Theories in Families?

Remember as a child when you were playing with your siblings while Mom was on the phone? You were being a little rambunctious and noisy, but didn't think it was that big of a deal. Then, mom looks at you and snaps. You know, just from the snap, that if you don't shut your mouth right then and stop moving, you will be busted and get in so much trouble. This is an example of a "family rule". There are so many different things that you say, do, mimic, follow, etc. in your family that seem like "rules" because they are always done, even though they never were really intentionally laid down as rules. In my opinion, I believe that these help to unite a family. You specifically have things that you do with them that connect all of you, and not anyone else. There are four different theories that family scientists tend to use when researching the family. You have:         -Systems Theory         -Exchange Theory         -Symbolic Interaction Theory         -Con

Family Trends

     This week as part of my class I was able to dive deeper into trends of the family. Even though throughout my life I have figured I had a pretty good idea about families, how they worked, and what they should be like, I learned many new things.  I was able to watch a documentary that had a lot of useful information and facts that I found very interesting.        There are ten main trends with family that I was specifically able to look at this past week. They are these, not in order of any specific importance. I will go over some details . of each.                  1. Premarital sex         2. Births to unmarried women         3. Living alone         4. Delayed marriage         5. Cohabitation         6. Extended Family         7. Birth rates         8. Household size         9. Divorce         10. Employed mothers 1. Premarital sex is a trend that is rising. Even though it was something that has always happened, the numbers have rec
Hello everyone! My name is Kennedy Blaser. I am the second oldest child of six, and have lived just 15 minutes outside of Rexburg my entire 18 (almost 19) years of life. I graduated from Sugar Salem High School just this last May and loved my high school experience. I was able to be a part of many extracurricular activities including student government, varsity volleyball, varsity tennis, Distinguished Young Women, Girl Talk, and others. I loved to be involved and active. This is my first semester here on campus and I am very excited for this new journey that I am starting into! This blog will be for the purpose of sharing a little of who I am, what I think and believe, and my goals and ideas for my future. I hope that it can help or inspire you in some way.