
Showing posts from October, 2017

Getting Married!

     Like I talked about in my last post, I am so very excited to get married! I am aware that marriage is a very big step to move forward in my life, and one that will impact almost everything in the rest of my life in every way. Marriage is a joining of two people that can not be taken lightly. Depending on how, why, and when you are married, can determine how successful it is. Marriage is also a step in the process of becoming a family, and is one of the most vital parts. The first child is a transition, and every child after that continues to be transitions.      There are many different reasons that people get married, despite the idea that it was always for love. Some of these include the need for intimacy, social expectations, social ideals and personal fulfillment, desire for children, and for practical solutions. Personally, I would want maybe a couple different ones of these in my own marriage! I want there to be a mutual agreement to have kids, desire for intimacy, personal

Preparing for Marriage

     Marriage is something I am SOOO excited for!! At the same time it terrifies me. I hope it will be in the relatively near future, I want to be married before I am twenty-four years old. So that puts me getting married in the next five years. I would like to learn as much as I can and get the preparation in now so that my marriage will be more likely successful. I know, as I mentioned in one of my first posts, that I believe it is my responsibility to get married soon in life and not put it off. It is our responsibility to get married and start a family. I am looking forward to finding an eternal companion that will be my best friend and get to start my own family with him.      This week we were able to have conversations about marriage prep in more depth than we have before. We talked about the ways you date, how dating should happen, and the differences between men and women in dating. In potential mate selection, there are different factors that can attribute to who we choose t

Gender Roles

  I was able to dive deeper into gender roles and the impact they have within families this week. We discussed in class that there are different units of society with different influences of cultures. Some of those are the family, the workplace, school, government, and religious organizations. We all can receive different influences and learn different ideas from each unit of society.   Males and females have general tendencies that are typical for each. females tend to be more expressive, passive, cooperative in play, and lean more towards relationships. On the other hand, males tend to be more aggressive, competitive in play, have a more spacial orientation and are stronger. Some people may take offense to hear about these gender-specific tendencies, but I think they need to understand that it it not meant to be offensive, at least I don't mean it like that in any way, but just to help define what I will be talking about.   So first, we have to define three different words. 1

Family Culture

I believe that it is hard to understand the perspective of other cultures outside of your own no matter how much research you do. We all are pretty biased of our own cultures. I had a discussion about this with some of my roommates about this topic, wondering what their take was too. We all seemed to agree that on a purely political stance, cultures are equal, but if you looked at it on a more spiritual level they would definitely not be equal. The way that cultures are equal is that every one believes that they have the better way of life and the more correct morals. We understand that how you are raised, what you are taught, and what your family does all have a factor in what you will be like and what you will believe. What we may understand as not being ethical or okay at all, could be a cultural norm for someone else. We need to understand that no matter how crazy something else that other cultures may do is, they don't think of it as being crazy at all; but instead look at som